Presidents’ Day Celebration

(Photo NPS / Nathan King, Jacqueline Kennedy Garden, 2023)

President: Obama

Flower: Larkspur

In February 2014 when Obama was president, White House florist Laura Dowling used American-grown larkspur for a floral chandelier.  Obama said,  "My favorite thing about living in the White House is the flowers!"

President: JFK

Flower: Blue Cornflowers

A blue cornflower could often be found in the jacket lapel of President John F. Kennedy.  At his wedding, John F. Kennedy Jr. wore a blue cornflower as a boutonniere in honor and memory of his father.

Presidents: Carter & Reagan

Flower: Narcissus

Narcissus were a favorite flower of Rosalynn Carter, as they reminded her of Georgia and her garden there.  

The Chief Floral Designer during the Carter administration was Dottie Temple, who continued to use Rosalynn Carter's favorite narcissus flowers as the administration changed to the Reagan’s.  However, Reagan was allergic.  A fact discovered when uncontrollable sneezing occurred as he walked through to preview the holiday decorations.  These flowers had to be moved into rooms he frequented less often.

President: Bush

Flower: Tulip

Laura Bush was inclined toward tulips and roses, often in monochromatic arrangements and rarely with other types of flowers.

Her stated preference was for a blend of white and pink tulips.  The variety Tulipa Laura Bush was cultivated in her honor and presented to her by the Dutch ambassador Boudewijn Johannes van Eenennaam.

President: Cleveland

Flower: Salvia

Do you know the only president to get married at the White House?  It’s Grover Cleveland, the 22nd and 24th president.  He married Frances Folsom, 28 years his junior.  Their marriage took place in the Blue Room and salvia, a symbol of passion, adorned the hearth.

President: Reagan

Flower: Peony

Peonies, particular white peonies, were Nancy Reagan’s favorite flower.  White House Chief Floral Designer, Nancy Clarke, often had to remind the first lady that peonies were only available in Spring.  Clarke gave Mrs. Reagan a pillow needlepointed with the phrase, “Peonies bloom in May.” as a parting gift.